Amaranthus Spinosus: Know the Key Ingredient in Successful Acne Treatments - Advanced Dermatology Treatment | DermalMD®

DermalMD Dec 1, 2017 0 Comments Posted in: Treatment Ingredients, Uncategorized

Millions all around the world struggle with an acne problem. Most of them are constantly seeking a solution, a product that finally brings results and makes their skin condition significantly better. However, some of them fail because they ignore the details. They do research the products but don’t dig the details of their key ingredients.

When it comes acne treatments, many ingredients are significantly more important than others. But one that stands out is the amaranthus spinosus, the scientific distinction for amaranth, a fairly known tropical plant that represents a noxious weed for some but a powerful medicine for others.

In the following lines, we are going to talk about the amaranthus spinosus as a plant and how it has become so important for skin-related treatments.

The Plant

Amaranth has been around for centuries, being a relevant part of nutrition (and religion, for some mystic cultures). This plant is present as a weed in many tropical regions. However, it gets seriously cultivated by most countries with the right weather conditions. The plant offers a grain, which is widely used in nutrition because of its gluten-free characteristic and nutritional value.

In fact, amaranth is so great on a nutritional level that it’s considered as one of the so-called super-foods. The nutritional value it provides is out of the charts, beating animal-based proteins and typical sources of vitamins and minerals.

Modern Day Use in Healthcare

Before talking about its acne-treating potential, it’s important to mention how healthy this plant can be. Amaranth is being used to treat people with cardiovascular risk, taking care of the heart by regularizing cholesterol and blood sugar.

It can strengthen the immune system and improve anemic patients, bringing stamina and health back to their lives. Amaranth is also a valid option as a diuretic. It’s filled with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals while helping people, especially women, to prevent osteoporosis.

Amaranth and the Skin

For many centuries, amaranth has been a very valid resource for treating skin conditions. Severe burns can be treated with this plant in order to heal the tissue and lower inflammation. It provides healthy moisture to the skin, creating the right conditions for efficient nutrient absorption while fighting back free radicals, which cause massive damage to the skin.

Its growing use in acne treatments has a solid reason to be. Amaranth is packed with rich nutrients that can be easily absorbed by the skin, even tissue in bad conditions. The high levels of vitamin B6 in amaranth can keep the skin healthy moisturized and lower inflammation with great success, which is one of the main challenges with acne.

The vitamin A in amaranth is responsible for healing damaged tissue and promoting regeneration, while vitamins C and K team up to work against anti-aging signs as wrinkles.

Processing Its Potential

At DermalMD, we decided to make the most from amaranthus spinosus and take its acne-treating potential to the next level. One of the key ingredients in our acne treatment is amaranth as our team is highly conscious of the plant and its nutrients.

Its unique chemical composition provides massive benefits in terms of skin health, being especially useful for treating acne. We process the plant to leverage its incredible potential and grant undisputed, jaw-dropping results to the patients.

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