Where Does Acne Come From? What Can I Do? - Advanced Dermatology Treatment | DermalMD®

DermalMD Jun 21, 2018 0 Comments Posted in: Uncategorized

Acne is a very common inflammatory skin condition that affects so many people and yet it is so embarrassing to live with. One would think that acne and blemishes would stay in our teenage years but unfortunately that is not the case. Acne has a tendency to make us feel ugly, unattractive and unkempt. When you are well into adulthood and trying to look your best there is no time to mess with this unwanted skin condition. Acne causes spots and pimples and most commonly found on the face, shoulders, back, neck and chest. It comes in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts and nodules. Each varies in size and color and can even hurt more or less depending on the type.

Where does Acne Come From?

During puberty, our sebaceous glands activate. These are small glands in the skin which secrete oily matter into our hair follicles to help lubricate our skin and hair. Pimples or acne occurs when these glands or follicles get blocks due to build up under the skin. Skin cells, sebum, and hair can clump together into a plug. When this plug gets infected with bacteria the result is swelling and a pimple once the plugged up matter starts to break down.

Acne Triggers

Everyone’s skin is unique but risk factors and triggers for acne are pretty similar across individuals. Some of the risk factors include genetics, the menstrual cycle, emotional stress, anxiety, hot and humid climates, and oily make-up. Hormones also play a big part with acne and blemishes. Androgen (a male hormone) or Estrogen in the case of females is a hormone which typically rises during adolescence. It is believed that in adulthood, a rise in the level of these hormones contributes to acne because your oil glands beneath the skin grow and produce more sebum.

What Can I Do For My Acne?

Taking care of your skin when you have or are prone to acne can seem like a challenge but there are simple ways you can prevent an acne breakout and reduce the intensity of this condition.


  • Wash your face with mild soap and warm water but make sure not to over-do it.
  • Take caution not to scrub your skin too harshly or pop the pimples as this can spread the infection and create additional swelling and blockage.
  • Wash your hands frequently and clean items that come into contact with your face to reduce the amount of bacteria that can make contact with your face.Avoid oil-based make up and products and be sure to remove make-up before bed.
  • Try to reduce time in the sun as this can encourage the production of sebum and sweat.
  • Be sure to wear loose-fitting clothing to help your skin stay refreshed.
  • Although easier said than done, try to relax once in a while. Stress and anxiety can trigger a break-out and make matters worse.

Incorporate an Effective Treatment Method

 As a rule of thumb it is always suggested to consult a dermatologist for your skin health, especially if you have severe acne. They can help assess your skin condition and offer suggestions for relief and treatment. When turning to a product for acne be mindful of what you are putting on your skin as some products can either make matters worse or excessively dry out your skin. 

DermalMD Blemish Serum

DermalMD Blemish Serum is effective when it comes to treating acne and blemishes. It is comprised of natural ingredients that work with your skin’s natural composition to help restore a healthy pH balance and reduce the amount of unhealthy bacteria under the skin. It is such a fabulous treatment method because it is painless and will not cause additional damage to your skin and will actually work to help your skin heal. The serum works on so many levels and addresses so many of the issues that often accompany acne. Visit the DermalMD product page to learn more by clicking here.

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